Friday, November 9, 2007

The price my friends pay

They saying having a friend is a comfort. I am not sure that’s true in my case. I saw a pretty disgusting side of myself yesterday when I came close to cold-bloodedly ruining someone’s day because I was very annoyed with the person, notwithstanding his/her apologies.

Which made me in turn take a closer look at what exactly my friends have to put up with, as far as I am concerned: (Warning: this is not a pretty list)

1.Wild mood swings: I can be hilarious one moment, totally gloomy the next.
2.Non-stop hassling: I keep seeking attention. Crikey, I embarrass me sometimes
3.Lots of criticism: I am more comfortable with my friends. The result: they end up taking a lot of flak from me, mainly because they listen. I call it being fair, but I think it times degenerates into fault-finding on a major scale
4.Interference: I really think I should give those I like more breathing space and freedom. Why the blazes do I need to know who they are having lunch with?
5.Judgements: I have no idea why I keep passing judgement on what they do. I ain’t God, am I?
6.Self-pity: Am an expert here. Always keep moaning about the sins committed by the cruel, heartless world on Yours Truly
7.Over-sensitivity: I think I am one of those chaps who is always just a stone’s throw away from being offended. What’s worse, I tend to take offence without telling the person who’s annoyed me that I am offended with him/her, really complicating matters
8.Fishing for compliments: I think I do this a lot. Blame it on insecurity (Heck, even this blog entry seems to be begging for denials!)

(feel free to add to that list. I am sure there must be lots I have missed out! )

Yuk! I wonder why they put up with me. I sure as hell wouldn’t. Mind you, the fact that they do might indicate that I am doing a few things right.

Of course, that’s no justification for behaving like a prime donkey yesterday. I do hope I get forgiven.


Unknown said...

They put up with it coz its 'U' who matters and nothing else..for all the love and care you give. And all this..insecurity, interference..blah a part of you..Your friends accpet you as you are. If they don't they are not your friends.

Asher Zebadiah said...

U forgot one... One has to put up with lotsa coffee!!! :P

Unknown said...

Hi Nimish, wonder if its the same ol' Nimish i once knew in XII.........u sure still sound same!