It’s nice to be able to depend on people. You know, you have a shoulder to lean on (and cry on, when the water taps in the eyes get busy), an ear or two that will listen to you, and so on and so forth. There’s just a little problem with that scenario – what happens when the aforementioned shoulder, ear(s) and the person who possesses it decide to move away?
The champions of independence will always bleat about the need to “stand alone and do your own thing.” It is magnificent theory. And like all magnificent theory, utterly impossible to implement. You do end up depending on other people – and not always for friendship. It could be for your salary, a lift to work, or hell, even a cup of tea in the morning. And however trivial the thing you depend upon a person for may seem, it sure hurts when it is not around. I actually feel strange when my cat does not come running to greet me when I come home (she manages to miss me about three times a week, the ungrateful swine!).
There’s no harm in depending on others, but there often comes a stage when you start trying to compromise on other things just so that you can make sure that the person you depend upon does not go away. And that path, of course, leads to professional and personal hell. Don’t tell me about it – I have made enough trips on it to qualify as a tourist guide. All I can tell you about it is – it ain’t pleasant. There is only one thing that is worse – having no one to depend upon!
Depending on other people may be a necessity, but it can be dangerous especially when carried too far. It’s a two-edged sword and hell, it cuts both ways.
Now, excuse me while I go get some bandage – I think I am bleeding.
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