Saturday, July 28, 2007

To pee or not to pee: that is the question

The title says it all.

Saturday morning at work - with a couple of stories yet to be filed, a few more pages yet to be designed and a few more complaints yet to be heard, the question in title seems far important at the moment than anything else. After all, Saturday is the day when our office building would not get any water supply :P

Well, I got to know that this is going to be dry Saturday yesterday itself when I read a notice put up next to the lifts. Later on during the day, a colleague of mine jumped into office saying "you know there wouldn't be any water tomorrow"!!!

Anyway, I had almost forgotten about it until today morning while on my way to office I got an SMS from another colleague wishing me "a lovely day at Sahara", no water at Sahara - the desert and no water here. What a parallel, I must say. Just made my day aah, so amazing. Anyway, it has just been a few hours since I have landed in office and there are a couple of more hours to go. The only compensation is that you aren't the only one here.

1 comment:

Nimish Dubey said...

To Pee or not to pee, that is the question,
Whether 'tis nobler in the lower half to suffer,
The slings and arrows of outrageously full bladders,
Or to take matters into one's own hands,
And by peeing out of the window, relieve them!